Health care for all? Get provoked.

May 22, 2023

This is James Lenhart - family physician, author and publisher of Conversations for Paco: Why America Needs Healthcare for All.

At the height of the last national health care debate, which resulted in the Affordable Care Act, I penned Conversations for Paco out of my passion and staunch belief that health is a human necessity and healthcare is a human right hoping that the message might engage others to join the fight.

Personally, and professionally, I find the renewed debate disgusting. And it's not about politics, it's about policy - policy being crafted by lawmakers lacking knowledge of the substantive issues on healthcare, distorted by those seeking financial gain in a healthcare for profit environment and lobbyists promising campaign contributions to those caving in on the pressures wrought by big Pharma, the healthcare insurance industry, medical device manufacturers and hospital corporations.

Obamacare is not perfect, but it has substantially improved access to health care in the U.S. and health outcomes in our country.

I urge you to get provoked. Tell your Senators health is a human necessity, healthcare is a human right and America needs healthcare for all.

Here’s the link:

References: Conversations for Paco: Why America Needs Health Care for available from Amazon in electronic, paperback and hardbound formats. Go to:

References: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, 2014 Update: How the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally. Online [Available at:]  Accessed: May 7, 2017.